0.83 (Jan.18, 2025)


- Change the "event ID does not follow convention" error to indicate the script name.

- F1 debug feature fixed.

- Debug dialogue feature fixed.

- Added bubble sprites to documentation.

- Added MSGTITLE and MSGICON as options for non blocking messages.

- Added CHOICESTYLE=WHEEL to use the BROK "wheel" style for selecting an option.

- Added documentation for USERINPUT.

- Removed USERINPUTTYPE (redundant info, we use the variable type automatically now)

- Added USERINPUTDEFAULT to specify a default value.

- Added RANDOM to set a variable to a random value. See S01_GETRANDOM in VN_ADVANCED.



- Changed font loading to avoid performance issues with big font sizes.



- Added a full list of language codes.

- Russian and some other languages now use a correct font by default.

- Added Brazilian menus translation.

- Screen saver of the OS should no longer activate when automatic play is enabled

- Fixed autoplay dialog not waiting for accessibility speech.

- "Skip dialogue" info now gets removed after the first dialogue.

- On mobile, removed useless options.


BROKVN_Engine_WIN_0.83.zip 78 MB
18 days ago

Get BROKVN - Visual Novel Engine

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